Worldwide Website Project Collaboration Directory

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The Rules

  1. You are allowed ONE Standard (free) Listing per domain. If you want to list the same domain in other categories, you will have to purchase a Priority or Super Listing for each extra category desired.
  2. You do not need to renew your Standard Listing, but Priority and Super Listings only last 1 year
  3. Your listing must be in English and use proper punctuation. Furthermore, do not capitalise every word or the first letter of every word.
  4. Do not mention specials, pricing, or anything else that could be construed as temporary in nature in your Standard Listing.
  5. Your listing may be modified by an editor for grammar or appropriateness.
  6. Standard listings are offered for free and we therefore have a right to reject whomever we please for whatever reason.
  7. If you send us spam, your link/s will automatically be deleted from the directory without warning, and you will be blacklisted for life.
  8. We Will Not List:

    1. Links that don't clearly pertain to the category applied for.
    2. Dodgy links (porn, hate-speech, known plagiarisers, etc).
    3. Links that are subdomains of larger sites like Wix, WordPress, etc.
    4. Links that redirect to another site.
    5. Links that are under construction.
    6. Links that have pop up/under adverts or similar annoyances.
  9. Terms & Conditions are subject to change without notification. Please keep abreast of these rules.

Choose a Listing Type

[01] Free

One standard listing in one category.

  • Standard Listings appear below Super & Priority Listings.
  • You are allowed ONE Standard Listing per domain. If you want to list the same domain in other categories, you will have to purchase a Priority or Super Listing for each extra category desired.
Apply for Listing

[02] 4.90/year

One priority listing in one category

  • Better Position - Priority Listings appear above Standard Listings, but below Super Listings.
  • Image - You get an auto-generated screenshot of the site to accompany the listing.
  • If you have multiple Priority Listings, you are encouraged to tailor your link descriptions for each category, but the anchor text (title) will remain your official company name in all links.
Apply for Listing

[03] $39.90/year

One Super Listing in one category.

  • Best Position - Super Listings appear above both Standard listings and Priority Listings.
  • Image - You may supply a custom graphic to use instead of a screenshot.
  • Custom Title - You may choose your own anchor text (title) for your Super Listing. This means you may use a keyphrase instead of your official company name - fantastic for SEO.
  • Deep Listing - Link to any page on your site, not just your home page.
  • If you so desire, you may also supply custom link code so that you can track your hits.
Apply for Listing